Dancer, you do NOT need to go to extremes to reach your goals!

I’m here to help you achieve your health, body, and dance goals—without dieting, hating your life, or harming your health.

Whether you are looking to increase your energy and fuel performance, achieve a weight loss or body recomposition goal that actually lasts, or improve a chronic health condition that keeps getting in the way of your ability to show up how you want to in dance… we can tackle it all!

My approach ↓

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to health and nutrition; you deserve to be treated like the unique dancer you are. I am NOT going to simply give you a calorie goal and foods list that you could easily find yourself on the Internet!

I’ve worked with 100+ dancers, which means that creating a customized nutrition plan designed for YOU (no one else) is kind of my thing. Plus, accountability and support every step of the way!

I strive to build a personal relationship with every single one of my clients. Consider me your new nutrition bff, mentor, and cheerleader.

Package Offerings

Signature 1:1 Nutrition Coaching

For the dancer looking to tackle their biggest health challenges and/or body goals, with a customized nutrition plan designed exclusively for their unique needs, lifestyle, health history, budget, and more.

Includes initial consultation call (90 minutes), followed by 6 bi-weekly check-ins (45 minutes each). Between sessions, you have unlimited messaging access to me for questions, support, and accountability, as well as weekly food journal reviews and feedback to keep you on track. 

$350/month (monthly payments may be split in half if needed)

Audition Prep (nutrition, fitness, and dance training)

For the dancer who is determined to make their dream team and wants all the 1:1 training they can get, consider this like having your own personal nutrition guide, dance coach, and hype woman all in one. 

What’s included:

  • Nutrition coaching → Initial consultation (75 minutes), followed by 7 weekly check-ins (20 minutes each)

  • Workouts → 3 weekly workouts, including lower and upper body strength training, sprint workouts to increase stamina, and full body, longer endurance-focused workouts

  • Dance training → 2 virtual dance privates (60 minutes each), plus unlimited feedback from me on any and all dance videos

Commitment: 8 weeks, $1000 (payment may be split in half if needed)

One-time Nutrition Intensive

For the self-sufficient and motivated dancer who just needs initial guidance and a customized, clear nutrition plan to follow on their own.

Includes a 60 minute session to identify your biggest challenges and roadblocks, create a custom nutrition plan, establish a meal planning routine you’re actually pumped about, answer any questions you have, and more! After our session, you’ll receive a copy of your plan and detailed notes from our session that are yours to keep forever, but it’s up to you to implement. 


Frequent Asked Questions:

  • I work with dancers who desire a wide range of health and body outcomes, including but not limited to: fat loss, muscle and/or weight gain, dance performance optimization, improved digestive health, improved energy, or supporting chronic health conditions using targeted nutrition strategies. If you fit any of these categories, and are ready to reach your goals, this is definitely right for you!

  • It depends on the client and their needs, but specific meal plans are not always appropriate for everyone. What is most important to me is teaching you to confidently make your own food choices and empower you with the knowledge to thrive without a meal plan for life. Macro recommendations are sometimes given if a client has a weight loss goal, and if we have both decided macro tracking is appropriate and a useful tool in the overall toolbox.

  • Yes, please check out client testimonials here!

    I have worked with many different dancers with a broad range of goals and health challenges, including sustainable weight loss, digestive issues, low energy and chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, PCOS, chronic Lyme disease, and more.

  • Depending your health concerns and goals, you have the option to add on several functional lab tests:

    • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) for $200, which includes test cost + my analysis and custom protocol based on results

    • GI-MAP stool test for $550, which includes test cost + my analysis and recommendations based on results

    I also review clients’ blood panel results to identify nutritional areas that need supported, if necessary. If you want to get bloodwork done, I can help you determine what to ask your provider for and how to advocate for yourself.

  • Outcomes vary greatly because every client is unique, and my approach to nutrition is highly individualized.

    Clients have various outcomes including improved energy and dance performance, improved blood biomarkers, improved digestion, more knowledge and understanding in food choices, and more confidence in their bodies.

    Based on client feedback forms, 100% of clients said 1:1 nutrition coaching met or surpassed their expectations!

  • Schedule your free 20 minute consult call below! This is our time to get to know each other, discuss your goals and challenges, and determine if we are a good fit to work together.